birds view of coconut farm and forest

Philippine Coconuts and Oleo-Fats

The Philippines’ tropical climate makes it a favorable place for coconut trees to thrive all year long. In fact, the coconut industry makes up a large chunk of Philippine agriculture, making our country the largest exporter of coconut products in the world. The country exports about 70% of its total coconut production, including coconut oil (CNO), desiccated coconut (DCN), copra meal, and oleo-chemicals.

Coconut farms are found in 69 out of 79 provinces, covering 3.3 million hectares (ha) or nearly 30% of the country’s farmlands. In 2018, about 14.4% of the country’s total coconut products came from the Davao Region, making coconut farming the major source of employment in the area.

The coconut industry prides itself with potentials for further growth and development, and continues to be resilient throughout the years despite many challenges. We invest in the industry’s strength and opportunities by producing world-leading contaminant-free coconut oils and other integrated coconut processing products. Supported by the stable growth of the export and domestic market, Oleo-Fats has become its stalwart stakeholder.

By manufacturing the widest variety of coconut-based oils, specialty fats, and ingredients for the domestic and international market, Oleo-Fats maximizes what the coconut industry can offer. We sustainably source our coconut raw materials from farms in the southern Luzon region, and with certified organic supply from the Davao Region in Mindanao. By bringing the distinct tropical goodness of our coconut products to the growing international market, we are also ensuring a bright (and green) future for the whole industry.

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